A refuge for sharing experiences with programming and technology.

Hackathon: Conway’s Game of Life

Hackathon: Conway's Game of Life
Recently, I had the pleasure of participating in an internal hackathon at work. They gave us two days to create whatever we wanted with whatever group of coworkers. There were no specific guidelines on what the project had to be or what technologies it needed to use, so I decided to go solo and recreate Conway’s Game of Life in Go. I’ve been fascinated with the Game of Life ever since I first heard of it several years back.

Setting up a Ghost blog on Amazon AWS

Setting up a Ghost blog on Amazon AWS
If it wasn’t immediately evident, I created this blog fairly recently. After much deliberation and research, I chose Ghost as my blogging platform. I like its simplicity and focus on content. My desire was to use Amazon AWS for hosting, as it is fairly cheap and dependable. It took some fiddling to get Ghost running and I thought I would share what I did in the hope that it would aid someone else. Please note, these instructions assume the person following them already has an AWS account set up and ready to go.

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…SpaceX?

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...SpaceX?
Last Friday, I was on my way home from a road trip with my sister when we saw something extraordinary in the night sky. We had no idea what it was at first. Was it a near miss asteroid? A missile test? Rocket launch? Aliens?! My sister took a short video (I apologize for the portrait mode): There was a pulsing light behind the leading object that eventually fell towards the ground and turned bright red before disappearing.

The Beginning of the Blog

The Beginning of the Blog
Back in July of 2017, I attended GopherCon. GopherCon is a conference for Gophers, or rather, people who enjoy programming in Go (or Golang). My company switched me over to Go from C# in January of the same year. Turns out, Go is a nifty little language and I quite enjoy it. So, I found myself at GopherCon and I had a blast. I learned some cool stuff, had fun in Denver, and even turned myself into a Gopher using gopherize.